I FINALLY found the squeal to It's Okay to be Your Slave Like This. It's called Led Train and I just purchased it off of ebay. Cannot wait for it to arrive. I'll will have it translated ASAP. So happy.
I'm so horrible at updating. Forgive me everyone. I've decided to post what I have scanned so far. Raw or otherwise in hopes of spreading some Cowboy Bebop love. Comment with which one you're most interested in seeing translated. :) Many more to come!
I'm sooooooo-so sorry for the delay everyone. The doujinshi I'm editing is just hard. It's not that it's hard to find translators. It's just...not an easy to English doujinshi...if that makes sense. And when I release it, I doubt that it will flow well, and for that I apologize. The next few will be much better and release faster also
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Hey everyone. I'm so sorry for the lack of posts. I expected to have many doujinshi scanlated and posted to this community. I hope you're all still around and interested in the community
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Have you heard? If not...here is the link. I'm a bit disappointed by who they're planing to cast as Spike. (Okay...a bit more than a little. A LOT disappointed.) I'm really glad they're keeping the original staff, etc. involved and have to sign off on the script. Also, we can be happy that the movie will have a large budget as well as a good chance
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