Quick update on NaNoWriMo and life

Nov 06, 2011 14:05

I had a really fun weekend hanging out with two other assistants, Christie from Scotland and John from Ireland. We had movie nights, checked out the fair, wandered around Rouen and met with other assistants and a Canadian friend of mine... It was lovely. :)

It also meant that I had pretty much immediately fallen behind on NaNoWriMo, which has never happened to me before and this is the fifth year I've been a participant. But, today, through a concerted effort of will, in between cleaning up the apartment, doing a bit of planning for the classes I have to help teach tomorrow, and making important life decisions, I managed to write 3,464 words today and catch up. \o/ I'm only a few dozen words above the recommended wordcount for today, but I feel accomplished!

The other thing that I've decided (that major life decision thing) is that I'm probably going to go back to school at the University of Alberta to do a master's degree in history. I've enjoyed teaching so far (though I prefer to do it under the guidance of a teacher who actually has done the training and planning necessary to teach the class), and I think that I could probably get a job easily after doing a two year education degree because French immersion teachers are a bit thin on the ground... but I think I want to pursue my passion for the moment. I will also be able to get a translation certificate and probably find work as a teaching assistant in a university class if I do the master's.

My mother also suggested that I do a joint masters - I could get a masters in both history and education, in theory. I will have to look into it. I'll probably really start putting the application together this week, but the due date isn't until January 15th. So I have time. If I do a PHD in history (and not, say, switch into something else like Museum Studies) I'll probably do it at a different university. But I feel a bit of relief at having (probably) made a decision. Unless I second guess myself. I'm young. I still have time, right?

And hey, if it doesn't work out, I could always renew my contract here and spend another seven months in France!

big kid decisions, scribblings, nanowrimo, positiveness

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