Les personnes insensibles m’énervent

May 05, 2010 17:18

(I realize that most of the people who watch this journal will have no idea what I am saying, but sometimes I need to let things out in a language other than English. I don’t want to offend anybody.)

Il y a des temps dont j’ai de la difficulté à comprendre les personnes qui parlent mon lange natal. Je suis anglophone, mais parfois… :(

Peut-être c’ ( Read more... )

mutter, anxiousness, ranting, drama llama, true north strong and free, take heed

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anyjen May 6 2010, 00:45:22 UTC
Applying my "read for gist" skills here, making use of the similarities of Spanish and French... let's see if I can tell what you are saying. Bear in mind that I know zero about French, so do forgive me if I understand you wrong ( ... )


beboots May 6 2010, 01:16:50 UTC
Yay for similarities between romance languages! :D You have interpreted my text very well.

Yep, think before you write. It's easy to me misinterpreted. Don't be short with me, you know? ;_;

Well, part of it is that I hope that the person doesn't read this... but I wouldn't be adverse if people did understand. Even if you're not the person I have in mind, it's something that all people should follow, right? Be considerate!

...besides, I didn't mention them by name, so...?

All I ask is that people be considerate and respectful. If you have a suggestion, by all means, make it! ... Just be polite about it, don't sound write like you're sneering at me for being stupid, etc. Be careful about what you write, because without tone of voice and body language, it's really, really easy to come across as rude or angry, even if that wasn't your intention. That's why I rely on emoticons as a form of punctuation. ;)


anyjen May 6 2010, 01:44:30 UTC
Yay for similarities between romance languages! :D You have interpreted my text very well.

Yay! XD

(It would have been a different matter if this had been spoken instead of written, but let's not go there, ok? XD)

Plus there are some things that aren't similar to Spanish but are similar to English, so I have that to help, too (oh, Norman Conquest. There is so much I have to thank you for...).

It'd be interesting to read a translation of this text, to see how much I really understood... there were quite a few words that puzzled me ("'chaque'? 'maladroites'? 'trouve'? 'dernière'? is that something edible?" XD).

Even if you're not the person I have in mind, it's something that all people should follow, right? Be considerate!Yup, yup. I sometimes get criticized in RL for being too formal... I address people older than me by more than five years or people with a social standing higher than mine (teachers or police officers, for example) with "usted", ("usted tiene" instead of "vos tenés") which is the most polite form Spanish has in ( ... )


beboots May 6 2010, 01:57:47 UTC
The linguistic effects of the Norman conquest fascinate me. :)

chaque = each, maladroites = tactless (coming from "mal" = bad and "adroit", meaning "clever"), trouve = find, dernière = last (as opposed to "premier", which is first)

Hmm... interesting! I like learning about formalities in other languages. :) Japanese is crazy for formalities. I think that I'm the same way; when in doubt, I speak politely. Of course, in English, it's mostly in the respectful tone, using "sir" or "madam" to address the person you're speaking to, using fewer conjunctions, and preferring some words over others.

I try to use emoticons sparingly, and only when it's absolutely necessary, like, the sentence would otherwise come across as far to serious or critical. :)

I could translate it. Gimme a minute, and I'll send it to you privately.


anyjen May 6 2010, 03:19:08 UTC
The linguistic effects of the Norman conquest fascinate me. :)We studied them briefly in History of the English Language, and it sure clarified a few things for me... now I can cheerfully blame the Normans every time my students complain of English not being written phonetically. XD ( ... )


beboots May 6 2010, 03:30:55 UTC
"and started calling him ridiculously formal things like "mi progenitor", or "amado padre"" I am HIGHLY amused. :3 ( ... )


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