Photographs from my final day in costume at Fort Edmonton yesterday:
A friendly neighbourhood Mountie during the Mountie Mutiny program on 1885 street. Their litany of complaints include difficulty in acquiring sufficient watered-down gatorade rum, low pay, inability to marry, and the fact that Nelly Webb (the local prostitute) is too darn expensive! (Though that last one may not have been on their official list of complaints.)
The Japanese pose and the History is Very Serious pose.
After all four time periods stormed the midway this year, there was a bit of a scuffle between the two mounties to decide who would ride the RCMP horse on the carousel. The solution is for them to share! (We Canadians are all about compromise.)
It was determined at the Selkirk pub that evening that Whitney may have longer hair - at approximately 39 inches to my 38 inches. In other words, she won by a hair!
Braided Together - Friendship for Life!
Then, of course, tangled hair. Whitney's hair colour makes it appear as if she were shooting a fireball at me. With her MIND.
In othe words, a wonderful last day in costume, full of shenanigans! Tonight: fort party! And then I have to reall focus on packing for Ottawa... A bright future awaits!