paper cuts and faulty planes (jim) pg13

May 05, 2009 15:11

title: paper cuts and faulty planes
fandom: the office
character(s)/pairing(s): jim || jim/pam
rating: pg13
word count: 256
spoilers: s2

summary: casino night-era au. jim finally takes control of something tangible.

His whole life had been an accident. A happenstance tumble that fate took down the stairs of time.

He’d gone to college on a whim and a basketball scholarship, no real clue where he wanted to go or how to get there if and when he figured it out. His first girlfriend and the loss of his virginity had both been flukes.

He accepted the job at Dunder-Mifflin because he needed the money. When he’d sat down for the interview, he’d never expected fate to point and say: “here’s the love of your life who happens to be engaged and do you mind staying here pining for the next six years?”

But this, after all the rest, is something he can control.

“American Airlines, how can I help you?”

“Yeah, I’d like to book a flight to Australia.”

“What date?”

He takes a deep, steady breath, glancing over at reception and the tower of wedding invitations there. Pam offers a small smile, connect-the-dot lips of fear, confusion, maybe even…

But he won’t let himself think it.

“The week of June 10th.”

He can’t help but take stock of Pam out of the corner of his eye, perfectly oblivious.

“Return date?”

He might not be able to control much else except the font in his resignation letter or the order of the cardboard boxes already partly packed at home. He might not be able to make her see him. But maybe what he does have in his power can be enough to convince him he isn’t entirely helpless.

“One way.”

!fic: office, !fic: all fandoms, office fic: pairing: jim/pam, office fic: character: jim, tv: the office

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