Tuffy Anne Needs Your Help

Sep 22, 2010 07:57

Tuffy Anne is my eldest cat (aka feline child). She is also Chief Poobah Stinker Kitty and Baby In Charge. She also saved my life during many dark times in the past several years. To say that I love Tuffy is an understatement of gargantuan proportions.

Tuffy needs surgery.

We (the vet, his staff, and I) have been dealing with a problem Tuffy has been having since December. At first, we thought there was an abcess due to a broken tooth, so Tuffy underwent dental surgery. We dealt with what we thought was an abscess into January. Things seemed to calm down a bit then, although the swelling never went away entirely.

Several weeks ago, the swelling became worse. On September 10th we tried anti-biotics ($80). The vet flushed her tear duct in case the problem was a clogged tear duct. Finally, this past Friday, Tuffy was put under for x-rays ($120) and the culpret was identified. Tuffy has a mass between her skull and her scalp. It has grown so much, it now affects the shape of her left eye. Tuffy has to have surgery. It is scheduled for October 7th. However, in this area, there aren't any vets who take payments--this includes my vet. The estimated cost is between $591.64 and $742.64.

Vet's Estimate

Blood Draw and Preparation: $15

Preanesthetic Blood Testing: $36.19

IV Catheter and Placement: $37.00

IV Anesthetic: $20.00

Inhalation Anesthetic With Monitor: $72.00-96.00

Surgery Room Supplies: $52.00-$59.00

Surgical Procdure: $240.00-$360.00

Ketofen Injectable: $18.45

Biopsy: $101.00

TOTAL: $591.64-$742.64

I don't have it. I work and go to school (received my Associate Degree in May, just starting on my Bachelor's). I live not only paycheck to paycheck, but penny to penny. Asking for help like this isn't easy for me. I'd much rather be helping someone else. However, Tuffy means more to me than anything in the world.

How You Can Help

I have a Zazzle shop. [http://www.zazzle.com/beautyisanimate] It currently has two designs in it (one is for notecards only). I will be adding at least one design per day for the next week. Purchasing something from my Zazzle shop will help me pay for Tuffy's surgery. Won't you please consider it?

If you'd rather make a cash donation, I have a paypal account set up under the email address beautyisanimate at gmail dot com. Please know, I will keep a close watch on the paypal account and if donations reach or exceed the cost of Tuffy's surgery, I'll post something here immediately. Also, please be assured, any donations in excess of Tuffy's surgery will be given to the local no-kill shelter.

Thank you for your help. I can't tell you what it means to me.

P.S. As soon as I figure out how to upload pictures onto here from my cell phone, I'll post pictures of Tuffy.

ADDENDUM: Apparently, I can't keep up with my social media. I forgot to post this on LJ. Thanks to posting it on FaceBook, there are now $450 in donations towards Tuffy's surgery. Less than $300 to go!
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