Meat Free Monday

Mar 08, 2010 14:59

It's Meat Free Monday! What is Meat Free Monday? Meat Free Monday is an environmental campaign to raise awareness of the climate-changing impact of meat production and consumption. Many people are unaware that livestock production is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions - that’s more than the entire transport sector. Since, it is MFM, I've decided to share one of my easy peasy, oh-so yummy meat free recipes.

T.E.A. Salad

1 ripe tomato, sliced
1 hard cooked egg, sliced or chopped
1/2 avocado, sliced or cubed
Extra virgin olive oil
Fresh ground black pepper and sea salt
Celery seed (optional)

On a salad plate, attractively arrange the tomato, avocado, and egg. Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and (if desired) celery seed.

Simple, quick, delicious and far from ho-hum.

For those who do not know how to make hard cooked eggs: Gently place eggs in the bottom of a saucepan. Cover with cold water until there is an inch of water above the eggs. Place on high heat and bring to a boil. Cover pan with a lid and remove pan from burner. Let eggs sit in the hot water for 15 minutes. Cool under cold running water or in an ice bath. If you are not going to use all of the eggs immediately, refrigerate them after they have cooled.
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