Fic: Forget Me

Jun 23, 2011 02:15

Title: Forget Me
Author: beautyfulevil
Team: Death Eaters this week...
Character: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape
Challenge: grangersnape100 Tri-Wizard Challenge
Rating: G
Length: 100
Warnings: Angst-ish
A/N: After Broken, but can be read on it's own.
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize from the Harry Potter series is owned by JK Rowling and associates. This piece of writing is merely for practice and entertainment purposes only.

Taking a deep shaky breath, Severus dipped his head into the Pensive. The Tri-Wizard tournament held at Hogwarts, the year Voldemort returned.

Slipping through the shadows of his memories, Severus watched Hermione carefully throughout the Ball. She was just starting to blossom into the woman he loved; Severus wasn’t sure why he tortured himself this way. The way her dress swirled around her feet as she danced tore at his heart as he remembered her wedding day attire.

Pulling himself from the Pensive, Severus stored the memory in a clear vial - among the hundred other memories he wished to forget.

fics, grangersnape100

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