At Coney Island each year in June, there's a Mermaid Parade. This June was no exception. I took the photos at the link, today. Rather than put 48 photos under a cut, I figure it's easier to link to the Flickr album.
beautiMous Monday is the day to post your Image(s) of Beauty™. Post any & all images you think/feel are somehow beautiful (to you / to us) in the comments below!
The University of Heidelberg is providing high quality PDF scans of the Jugendstil magazine "PAN" (circa 1895-96). It has lots of lovely German art nouveau line drawings. I'm actually seeing some potential tattoos.
For those not willing/wanting to watch, highlights include: - bioluminesence - flying underwater turkey - frontin' cephalopod-style - THE MOST INCREDIBLE OCTOPUS CAMOUFLAGE YOU WILL SEE IN YOUR LIFE
Also, this song has been on my mind ( just because )