Voting time, mes amis. Round I

Sep 17, 2008 15:33

Masha's got a bit of time off from work/uni/lifeingeneral. - She's also speaking about herself in the third person (still?).

SO IT'S VOTING TIME. And there are people who didn't vote in last round and were on their last chance. Let me count the names:
Sorry guys, you're going to be in front of the firing squad come round 2 [unless there's a good excuse out there somewhere]. Plus six more.

With one warning this round:
jeanvjean - Please get me a member's picture

With two:

Vote for 2 (two) favourite members and 2 (two) least favourite members.
All comments are screened.
Voting closes on the 23rd of September.
Voting is mandatory.
Members' page for easy reference is here.

On the 23rd of September, I will post results for round 2 with the 6 most favourite and 6 least favourite members plus the two above, coming to 8. Voting will run for a week at the end of which one person will be asked to leave and another will be crowned king/queen of ...the universe. So....get voting.

Bonus points if you can make your vote in a haiku. Don't ask me what bonus points involve exactly.....just bonus points.

Oh and this is irrelevant, but the german-speakers in the room might find this humourous: Führer durch die Sprache der Jugend: Das Fluchen [Youtube]

mom, vote-off

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