==The Day You Met==
Your mood before seeing them: Excited/nervous
Who introduced you: livejournal..hahahha.
Where you first saw them: she drove to my house in Indianer...even though she regrets it :(
What they noticed first: I dunno..probably the fact that I wouldn't look at her and I was hiding like a moron in my hoodie, lol.
Your first impression of them: haha, she walks kinda funny, lol..she was bouncing man, it looked weird! <3
Their first impression of you: hahah idk, she was prolly thinkin 'dude, get out of your shirt, lol'.
First thing they said in your presence: HIIIIIIIIII! haha
Kind of person you thought they were: wonderful and entertaining
From 1-10 [10 being highest likelihood], how much of a chance you thought you had with them: 10 cos we were dated for 2 days before we met in real life. hah..ahhaha.hahhahahahaha. were so cool.
First Hand-holding [where took place / who initiated it]: awwww, this is a cute question. It was me. I held her hand cos we were on my bed after i was done hiding and the beg. of The Dark Crystal was on and i was laying like kinda far away from her and she was liek come lay on me. so i was like okay, and i remember i was wicked uncomfortable the whole time but i was happy to be laying on her so i didnt say anything..but i just member while iwas moving around trying to get comfortable i grabbed her little hand...which isn't little at all but still =P
First hug [where took place / who initiated it]: When she pulled into my driveway. At frist she was out in the street and i made amanda go out and show her where to park cos i was being a weenie, lol. Man sometimes i wish you could meet someone all over again...
First kiss [where took place / who initiated it]: on my bed. we were going to bed and i reached over kerri to turn off the light and i was laying there and our faces were facign the same way and she said i wish ic ould see your face right now. and i said why? (even though i knew why ;P) and then she kissed me...and it turned into mega sex craze 2004..but thats okay cos it was really good sex. BUT our first romantic happy kiss was our kiss over the clue board *sigh*
Romantic: i would have to agree with her and say it was the time we walked up and down the beach holding hands. and i gave her a sea shell and she gave me one..she made me touch the ocean even though im afraid of it. i memeber freaking out and she was like no lauren its okay..idk it was really cute.<3
Kinky: ehhh.....idk were bound to have a lot more kinky sex but i really don't think i can think ofthe kinkiest time we had sex...although i can think of one rather interesting time, but idk if kerri wants that out..hmmm. *shrugs*
Sweet:she burns me mix cd's all the time. i love when she burns me mix cd's because i like listening to the lyrics and seeing and understanding why she included that song on it. and idk shes just a really sweet person..when were falling asleep she says a lot of really cute/sweet things.
Life-altering: um, life. haha
Immature: we do a lot of immature things sometimes...but it's all in fun.
Mature: idunno. stuff i suppose.
Horny: her probably...but it prolly only seems that way cos shes more dominant and iniates it more often theni do. but that doesnt mean that i dont want it.
Romantic: i don't know. her i supppose.
Sensitive: me.
Shy: hahhahahahahahah. me. although she wouldnt keep her door open at school untill ic ame there and opend it for her and she made friends. now she keeps it open a lot.
Attractive: were both hot man
Intelligent: her.
Spiritual: neither
Humorous: idk man, i'm a pretty funny kid, lol.
Messy: me. oh me me me. you just don't understand, lol.
Song: like..everything that hasnt already been a meghan song.
Movie: the dark crystal, lmao....hahhaha
Household Appliance: microwave cos we always make easy mac in hers at school, lol.
Kind of Dance: the macarena, lol.
Season: summer
Animal: kitties
Flower: the one she picked for me a long ass time ago at x's sisters softball game that i still have <3
Article of Clothing: her something corperate shirt..the grey one..omg how i love that shirt.
Jewelry Item: her necklace...or my necklace on her looks pretty effin hot too though...
Favorite Band: hanson :-D
Friend: oh psssuh. thats way to hard, i plead the fifth, lol.
wow, I'm so cold. My daddy let me on the computer for now. I suppose thats good becuause if he knew i was on earlier he'd prolly be peaasshed. lol but he told me he didnt change the password and that its still the same so maybe h e just wont change it. that'll be cool.
i got an email yesterday telling me my paid account is running out.
i feel like 2 months is such a short amount of time but i feel like it akes forever to go by in livejournal world. i need money to buy a new lj account...even though i havente boughten my first one or my second one...BUT i cant cont on kerri lynn to alwyas buy my livejournals lol.
sorry that was the longest run on sentance everrr.
My shoulders hurt and my fingers are freezing.
thats all.