Beauty Tips

May 29, 2009 20:29

We all read articles about the faux pas of traditional make-up application, how to make your skin look younger or fresher, and which foods are the best for anti-aging. Most of the time, we dismiss these claims, but we walk away from the article with one or two things that apply to us.

So, tell me, beauty101ers, what are your favorite beauty tips and tricks, from hair, to make-up, to staying healthy?

ETA: Here are mine.

1. When my grandmother was a kid, teachers would make kids take a capsule of fish oil every morning. She's turning 66 this year, and her face is almost completely wrinkle-free. I try to include as many essential fats in my supplement/diet regimen as possible.

2. Washing the face with non-abrasive cleansers like typical face washes packed full of detergents will balance the skin.

3. Aloe vera juice (the organic kind) has a similar pH balance to the skin, so it's great to use as a toner after you wash your face.

4. Essential oils, with the proper research, can do wonders for different skin conditions (like sandalwood oil diluted in a good carrier oil will help with mature skin).

5. Never use your fingers to apply make-up because it puts stress on the skin, especially around the eyelids.

6. Applying a light coating of olive oil to the eyelid area keeps the skin from getting weaker and reduces the chances of crow's feet.

7. Used coffee grounds are great for making scrubs. The caffeine rejuvenates the skin and increases circulation.

8. Used tea leaves are great for the same thing.

beauty tips, beauty secrets, tips

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