Thinning/layering hair (and lipgloss)

Jun 19, 2008 17:42

Hey guys, I don't really use lj but I've lurked/posted to this community before because I've found some good advice here. :)

The main thing I want to ask about is hair. I'll put it all under an lj-cut to spare those who don't want to read, but my question is about thinning/layering hair.

Currently my hair goes to about 2 inches below my shoulders. I'm very low maintence about it, whenever I shower I just let it airdry afterwards without doing anything to it. I like my hair, it works for me. However, I want to be able to have long hair... about waist length. I used to have hair about that long, last summer:

The issue I have is the weight of my hair. At this length and even before this length, my hair just gets really heavy so that the only way I like to wear it is in a braid or down. I feel as though my hair is heavier than it looks. It doesn't help that my hair grows ridiculously fast. Furthermore, I am an athlete so I need to be able to pull it back on a daily basis without it being too heavy. Therefore, I'm wondering about thinning and/or layering hair. I'm worried about trying these, especially thinning because what if I don't like it or feel that it's too thin? Then I'm screwed. So I was hoping others could share their experiences with thinning hair or even post before and after pics of thinned hair. Or should I just scrap the whole idea and keep my hair around bra strap length?

Ok, my second unrelated question has to do with lip gloss. Can anyone reccomend a lip gloss that gives a wet look, maybe even one that gives a wet look plus a bit of color, and lasts for a decent amount of time? Thanks!
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