OOC: Availability SPLAT

Oct 26, 2014 11:00

So, my availability has been non-existent for the last few weeks due to the job hunt and such, but it's about to get worse. It's TECH WEEK for the first of the two shows I'm working on, and I'm looking at 15 hour days for the next ten days.
  • Minako is a golden retriever puppy, with modding rights to Kathy (and whomever Kathy passes the hyperactive pup off to).
  • Emma handwavily was here for Homecoming and is, again, an ermine in care of Jack. Sorry, Jack.
  • Ghanima is a lion cub, and if anyone is interested in taking over her class on Weds, hit me up via email.
  • Constantine is inside Special Collections...somewhere...
  • Surreal is a bengal kitty in Terreille, where Sadi is desperately trying to figure out WHY she's now a small strange cat. Tersa loves it.

ooc is fun for me, availabiliy

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