The rings we wear

May 07, 2006 20:58

Well, here it is. Sunday night of my last week of school. Very scary. Very weird to know that this is it. I got my cap and gown but decided not to do the ceremony. I just am not in the mood for that celebration/attention. I will be moving back to Butternut for the summer and Dan is going to be working in Eagle River. It sucks. I will just have to look forward to talking to him on the phone and getting to see him on weekends when we are able to travel to see each other. As far as the fall is concerned, Dan will be back in school in Rice Lake and I, well, I don't know. Hopefully I will find a job in Rice Lake. If not I will be living in Butternut for Dan's final year of school. Then he will graduate and we can go live somewhere. It wouldn't be horrible I suppose as long as I was able to find a job that allowed me to have weekends off so that I could travel to Rice Lake to see Dan. Lets just hope I can find a job in Rice Lake though. Who knows where we will end up living. There is a possibility of anywhere in the state I suppose. Dan has family in Eagle River. He will have a job there this summer, so who knows. I just want to stay in the state and not live right in town I guess. That's the only comments I have. It's been really hard this last week dealing with the fact that I will be moving home. I start to cry everytime that I think about when I will have to say goodbye to Dan because I know that it may be a week or two before I get to see him again. I pretty much spent the whole weekend with Dan. Had a good time. He is so good to me. He is a really good cook. He cooks for me lots. Much more than I cook for him.

There are certain things that everyone looks forward to in life. Here are mine. Me finishing school. Finding a job OTHER than IGA. Dan graduating from college. Dan and I getting married. Dan and I living together. Dan and I having kids. Pretty much just spending the rest of my life with Dan. I never had a purpose before I met him. Now I know what I want in life. I may not ever look excited, but take my word. Inside, I am so excited to merry Dan and he knows it.

I also look forward to going camping with Dan this summer. Also I think that it is going to be interesting when he teaches me to drive his truck.

waiting for June 2008,
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