Apr 26, 2007 08:09
So I need to figure out a way to find at least $1,300, i want $1,800 , So I can go with Kiki to europe this summer. Bosnia and England. Hot guys. I so want to go. lol.
So help me out =]
nothing really new is going on. 'cept that I need to get a job really bad. I'm pretty sure I got the one at English Gardens on Hall because the guy loved me:)
I went with Val and Micheal to get Kandace's baby a gift on tuesday. it was soo much fun. i've missed those two.
btw. Kandace looks like she is going to burst lol. The baby is coming soon and i'm going to be an auntie :) yay.
Kandace had a psychic (can't spell) reader lady over at her house. she told me that my grandpa was going to die in june or the beginning of july. she didn't even know that he was sick and in the hospital. she said it will be quick and it is what he wants.
So now i can't even go see him without crying. :-/
Idk what i'll do when he finally does die. right at the beginning of summer too. my other grandpa died two summers ago the day we got outta school.. ugh...
make plans soon???
i haven't drank or anything is so long.. any parties? :)