(no subject)

Mar 31, 2007 23:24

I really miss hanging out with people, mostly Rachel, her and I used to be pretty much like one. it was crazy. we hung out all the time. we had so much fun together. King Kong and Dolly for life what happened to that. It's not fair. I think it's mostly just that I really hate getting older at certain times. because it makes you realize that people change, and you are pretty much probably not going to be around any of the people you are in the future. that the friends you have now, might not be there soon. it's something i have just recently come to terms with, and i'm not liking it. the fact that we are seniors next year and will be out on our own soon scares the shit outta me. I don't know what i want to do with my life. I really Really REALLy wish that her and I could go back to the way we were in like fifth grade. thinking about that sorta makes me cry.. i miss her, i miss those memories.

so my grandpa is getting a lot better. he is sorta starting to talk now. which i great for being in a coma for six weeks. i'm so glad things are starting to turn around for him. they might be taking out the trach on wednesday :):)

I went to the eye docs today and they told me my eyes got real bad. so i got new glassies :) they are purty. purple and blue mhm mhm.

I tryed to put a hoop in my nose and it was bleeding everywhere.. i need to find an 18 gauge one...

I've been going crazy trying to find a job.. my moms taking my license if i don't get one soon... so i applyed at Old Navy, Dunkin Donuts, Home Depot and Lowes Garden Department. and some other places. i really hope i get a job soon..oh yeah. Toys "R" Us too that would be fun to work there. i would play on the toys all day.

if i get the job at old navy, megan works there, and they have walkie talkie things so we said that it would be so much fun. running around. "I need legging location STAT. Over" "pffff... found leggings..Roger" lmao. god i love it.

I need to find me a boy. I think the main reason i haven't is because I tend to push people away from me when they get to close. i can't help that.

Spring break four days :):)
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