I Need You Here Tonite Just Like The Ocean Needs The Waves...

Jul 31, 2005 13:01

So I barely have any urge to write in this thing anymore. Its like it doesn't matter if I remember anything at the moment. Its a weird feeling because I always write down everything. The thought of getting old and forgetting the way things were when I was younger kinda scares me. Ive been writing in my paper journal, but even that has gotten to lose its appeal. Oh well. I guess ill just forget this thing exsists and just write in it when I feel like it, like now. =-)

I was cleaning my room, but im taking a break because I realized I have way too much shit and no place to put it. =-\ I suck at this not throwing anything away game. I need someone to help me clean and make sure I don't keep stupid shit... lol So anyway, im cleaning so I can make part of my room the bunnies house. That means I have to go to home depot and get stuff to cover the outlets over there. I have to find a way to cover my bookcase too so he doesn't get hurt because I have alot of stupid stuff on it. I think ill go for the wood over it. At least I know he wont chew through the whole thing without me noticing. He chews everything. =-\

Patricks family party was yesterday. I woke up and just really didn't want to go. Lately I haven't been wanting to be around many people, but I went, and I brought my Harry Potter book. Turned out to be alot of fun. They have a pool, but I didn't go in because I had my period. =-( I just sat at the edge while Patrick and his cousin Anthony swam and read my Harry Potter book. His cousin is pretty cool for a little kid. Hes about my brothers age. Kept asking us to come visit, thought that was pretty cute. His family is really nice, but it kinda makes me sad sometimes. I wish my family had parties like that. Then again, when I was little they did. My moms 3 siblings we don't talk to used to get drunk and fall over everywhere. Then my aunt stopped having them. I suppose its better that way. Its bad enough that im not inviting 2 uncles and an aunt and their families to my wedding because I know for a fact that they would trash it. I haven't spoken to my Aunt Gina in years. I don't even remember the last time I saw her. Thats probably better that way too. She isn't very fun. It's just kinda weird though, to be part of someone elses family. Its like they don't really know im not blood and someone just slipped me in and everyone is cool with it... lol I mean its nice, but just alittle weird. I have only met them twice, and already his aunt was inviting me to sleep at her house. I guess it just gives me mixed feelings is all.

*Sigh* I guess ill go finish cleaning or something. I have to figure out what to do with all these clothes. =-( I didn't realize I had this many until I seperated them into piles on my floor and I can no longer walk in my bedroom. lol Oh well, im a girl, im supposed to have this many clothes. Laters.

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