My Confirmation is tomorrow (and 2015 is ending)

Dec 05, 2015 19:31

My progress was quite little because I freaked out about chastity. Unfortuntely, I spent this week more worried with clothes than anything, because of modesty rules. I ended up attracted to my teacher, who wants to be a priest. Sex, sex, sex.
I wonder what I'll do next. How far will I go in my studies? I already entered without permission a Freemasonic temple with the help of the cleaning lady, got invited to become a Rosencux member (I am interested, but have no money to suport my studies yet) and was told I can be a member of Opus Dei. I have been delaying learning Pythagorean Numerology because I suck at math 8D

2016 is coming and what will I do with my life? I want to volunteer at the Olympics and talk to foreigners! Ok, I discarded it because I need to focus in my studies. I also want a job. I want to learn to sing and play guitar. I want a lot of things (@_@)

This year I had three different hairstyles: short blue hair, brown bob and went back to my natural hair. [TMI mode: ON] got my first white pubic hair. I knew it would happen early, but not that early. Whoa. [TMI mode: OFF] I went with Lane to her classes (which were pretty cool!), many parties, short trips, expositions, donated piles of clothes, read books,  painted doors, helped building a well, baked cakes, participated in a assembley deciding for a strike, broke a glass door in a angry fit, got spated on by a stranger, helped my aunt in charity, lost my fear of dogs... I did more than I thought.

This month I still have a party to go, a date, more classes (because of said strike), I'm going out with Lane, ask to go to  mom's family's Christmas supper, and pass New Years in Cabo Frio \o/

So many things happened...! and I thought my year was tedious. Couldn't see past my pessimism how much I did (haha). In the end, it was a good year.


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