I found mr kitty!

Oct 19, 2008 21:43

Mr. Kitty was hanging out under the house my apartment is in.
Now he's chillin with me again!
I'm so happy! I was so deeply saddened when he ran away from me last night
today he came up to me after I called him (for about five minutes I called him)
and then I snatched him up!
I don't think he knew I could fit under the house.
So Happy.
I feel so less lonely; he is a good friend.
He was living on Bditty's porch and sleeping on the sidewalk
I met him a couple days ago and he was just so sweet
I told him to wait for me, I'd be back
and when I came back to her house later that night (after walmarting for supplies)
he was waiting there
as far as I can tell he likes me a lot
he never growls at me, but does at people on the street or noises I swear he imagines
and when he's spooked he generally runs to my side instead of away from it
I hope he doesn't hate me when I get his balls chopped off and all his shots
I love Mr. Kitty!!!
It finally feels fallish in Florida
It's a good cool night right now
I've spent it reading and resting
all day I was so tired, like I never woke up.
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