(no subject)

Dec 08, 2005 22:01

So, there's about 8 inches of snow on the ground and it's STILL snowing.

Don't get me wrong, I love snow. What a nice birthday present. :-)

However, I still have to DRIVE to work tomorrow morning. Yuck. While Shane gets to "work from home." I wish I was a computer expert, really. I hope the roads are better tomorrow morning because it took me over an hour to get home tonight and it usually takes 20 minutes (yikes). It was just all sorts of bad during rush hour tonight.

The Sound of Music is over and I'm still in "the show is over sadness" part. I really met a lot of great people and I miss seeing everyone already. I hope I'm able to do more shows with them and keep up with everyone. The next show I'm going to audition for is "Into the Woods" at Footlie. Auditions are mid-January. I want Cinderella, but I know it's going to be tough competition. I'll take anything they're willing to give me because it's such a great show.

Nothing really exciting going on right now, I guess. I'm going to be 25 tomorrow (yahoo). I always wanted to be married when I was 25. I have 12 more months to do that. :-p Shane has something planned for tomorrow night but I don't know what. Saturday is his company's Christmas party and we have friends coming into town. It should be a fun weekend. I'm looking forward to relaxing a bit since I've been so busy with the show lately.

Will post more later!
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