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Dec 06, 2005 18:45

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Do eport03 and ebeth03 go to the same school? they did
2) Do you have a crush on orbix? nope
3) What word best describes wunderschnitzel? musical
4) Have you flirted with antes_inferno? probably, I've flirted with a lot of guys :-p
5) Would you make out with antes_inferno? nope, sorry, already attached :-)
6) How long have you known ebeth03? uh...since my senior year at DPU I think
7) Does higirl619 know cindyfox26? yes
8) Is lawgirl06 related to vindictivebitch? not that I'm aware of
9) Is peenewali a high school student? nope
10) Have you ever dated orbix? nope
11) What is lovable_leo's favorite band/artist? I honestly don't know
12) Has lovable_leo dyed their hair? doubtful
13) What is cindyfox26's shoe size? uh, 8?
14) How would luckydz kill vindictivebitch? she wouldn't, but if she did it would most likely be an unfortunate theatre incident...such as a light fixture falling down while she's playing the flute on stage
15) How long would drawma_boy dating misslynn last? not very long, drawma_boy likes boys
16) What rank would snugimp have in a giant robot army? hmmm...perhaps commander
17) What flavor of jello would alijanjohn be? cherry
18) drawma_boy's eye color? oh boy, I don't remember...it's been too long since I've seen him. brown or blue
19) If maimerofhearts and spirithorse21 were spliced together, what would be its name? tinaco
20) How would misslynn conquer the world? by taking over all of the newspapers in the world
21) Does eport03 have a dog? not that I'm aware of
22) Does ebeth03 smoke? I don't think so
23) What color should orbix dye their hair? he should never dye his hair
24) Does sereena_alexis do drugs? *shurgs* does alcohol count?
25) Does catiethehug go to your school? she did
26) What exotic animal would ebeth03 like as a pet? llama?
27) Is alijanjohn single? yep
28) Which president would ebeth03 be likely to idolize? uh, maybe Dave when he becomes president ;-)
29) Is drawma_boy dead sexy? oh yeah
30) Is adabe916 popular? she is in my book
31) Could you see maimerofhearts and ebeth03 together? nope, both like boys and one's engaged
32) What is gizmo88's favorite food? not sure
33) Does drawma_boy drink? hahahaha...duh
34) How many monkeys could vindictivebitch fight at once and win against? 999
35) Is antes_inferno related to you? nope
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