Jul 11, 2006 23:34
.... All that and SO MUCH MORE that I miss about being a young, free spirited CHILD with no worries in the world.
Everything snuck up on me with no warning. Now married, having a child of my own in 5 weeks, although I still am one myself...?!?!?!...?!?!?!...?!?!!?... Not really what I thought would be going on with my life at 18 years old. I suppose you never know how things are going to go and what may happen. It's all such a surprise.
I just realized that I listed "surprises" above and I also just said that what has happened to me is a "surprise". How can I miss that if I've still got it, if it's still happening....???
Now I'm confused.
Now I'm not.
I know exactly how it is....
innocence - Derek makes me maintain my innocence by taking care of me and treating me like his princess.
friends - Derek's my best friend.
fun - Derek and I always have such great fun together and when Derek Jr.'s here, we'll all have a blast as a little family.
laughing - Derek makes me laugh more than anyone ever has.
news - Derek always has news to tell me. We found out the best news together when we discovered we were going to be a mommy and daddy together.
love - Derek and I are more in love than one could imagine.
happiness - Derek IS my happiness.
flirting - Derek and I still flirt. ;)
surprises - Derek is always surprising me. We'll have a GREAT surprise here in a few weeks.
weekends - Derek and I spend every weekend together, and I love it.
lying - Derek lies for me as I do for him just so we can get one another out of snicky spots. Example: we got in a fight and I threw his cell at him and broke it. He called his mom and told her he dropped it and broke it so she wouldn't think I was a crazy bitch. =D
boys - Derek is MY boy and my only boy.... the only one for me.
sneaking - Derek and I are sneaky, WAHAHA.
gossip - Derek and I gossip.
secrets - Derek and I have loads and loads of secrets between the two of us that we'd never tell a soul.
music - Derek and I listen to music together all the time.
parties - Derek being in my life is always like a party.
games - Derek and I always play games.
shopping - Derek is my shopping KING! He buys me everything and anything I want and of course I sure do looooove that.
school - Derek and I reminise about school and one day, we'll be sending our son off to school to make memories like the ones we share.
crushes - Derek's my #1 crush.
homework - Derek and I will help little Derek with HIS homework one day. ;)
curfews - Derek and I will be giving little Derek a curfew....
As I've noticed, the main word here is DEREK, and what I've noticed EVEN MORE is that I DO still have all of those things.
I have them in different ways, but I still have them fully, and BETTER. Instead of lying to a friend, Derek and I get to for one another to save one anothers ass, instead of doing my own homework that's a bore, I get to help our kid learn and do his, instead of being bored on the weekends and having no one to hang out with, I ALWAYS have Derek, instead of wanting love, having crushes and flirting with people, I'm MARRIED and have a strong secure relationship that's nothing but love, instead of having surprises every now and then, I'm living the surprise that shocked my life..... and instead of getting money from my mom to shop with, I now have a hub to buy me the universe!
None of it has went away. It's just all gotten tons better. I am STILL a young free spirited CHILD with no worries. I want my life no other way than the way it is.
Love, love, love~
~Maranda REED