May 13, 2010 01:23
It's been a while, dear friends, since i last took the time out to commemorate my experiences on the interwebs. There's a good reason for it though, I swear: I've been doing a crazy amount of traveling, tanning, and drinking.
Plus, I haven't had regular access to a computer.
You see, for the past five days, I've been in GREECE. Specifically, Athens, Santorini, and Mykonos. In fact, I'm sitting in a muggy little hostel in Athens right now as I type this onto a behemoth of a computer, with prostitutes stalking up and down the street outside.
...It's really not as janky as it sounds. I swear. We've done our best to avoid Athens, given the current political climate here in Greece, and also simply because Athens is kind of a janktastic town to begin with (we were warned ahead of time; now you've been warned too). Instead, most of my trip has been spent on the glorious, beautiful, amazing beaches of Mykonos and Santorini: Paradise Beach in Mykonos, and Perissa Beach in Santorini. We had some great memories there. Some of my favorites include riding ATVs through Santorini to catch the sunset at Oia, then the nightlife at Fira, and getting free shirts (and some Greek boys) at Skandanavian Bar in Mykonos.
So far, Greece has been a gentle and kind lover. It's been all about the lazing around and the eating of delicious food, and not to mention the TANNING has been great. There is nothing better than lying out in front of turquoise waters with a fuzzy towel and some good music. And a mojito. A very, very, very delicious mojito.
Add to this the fact that every single person we've met in Greece so far has been of a spectacular caliber--of hotness and of kindness. These people are seriously some of the most generous and good-natured people I've met in my four and a half months of amateur journeying through Europe. Certainly, they're friendlier to tourists than the Italians (whom I love, but let's face it--they can be rude at times, though who can blame them?).
Then, the cherry on top: cheap as dirt food (delicious gyros and souvlaki and moussaka and stuffed tomatoes and peppers and bakhlava...I could go on forever) and cheap as dirt booze (2 euro shots, anyone? And 2 euro beers at our hostel pool bar?). Sun, food, booze: what more does a girl need? Certainly not the internet...
But here I am now sitting at a computer on my last day in Greece, feeling strangely content to be leaving. As hot as this love affair has been, it's time to move on...I'm thinking somewhere a little cooler, with less beach and more museums and sightseeing (admittedly: lots of sightseeing available in Athens that we've simply not taken advantage of) Berlin, for example!
So this is my update on Greece, I guess. Pictures are unavailable given that this computer is probably from the early 90s, and as such, doesn't have an SD memory card slot for my dSLR...but they'll come, eventually.
15 days till I head back to the US. In the meantime: Berlin, Istanbul, Rome, Sicily. Life is good... (:
matters of the heart,
fun times,