Tonight, tonight...

May 01, 2010 17:22

Tonight was the type of night I want to happen every evening from now until I get back to the US.

Tonight, I watched the sun set over a view of all of Rome, the city that has been so kind to me this year.

Tonight, I ate pizza at a local pizzeria so successful the wait for a 7 person table was an hour and a half.

Tonight, I sat on the booth of a small bar in Trastevere with my roommate and giggled and talked and got tipsy.

Tonight, I licked salt off my hand, threw my head back, and sucked on a lime, and walked away with a 'free' shotglass burning a hole in my pocket.

Tonight, I watched two Italian girls play with ropes and fire, creating blazing patterns in the dark sky.

Tonight, I stumbled upon a street party along the Tiber, with girls in blue afros and blue lipstick handing out balloons (blue, of course), and Italians and tourists alike dancing to Lady Gaga, Hakuna Matata, and Italian club beats.

Tonight was great; it was everything I wanted out of the night; it was complicated in some ways but wonderful in our total lack of direction, our aimless wandering resulting in something we couldn't ever have planned.

yay, food, fire, random, omg, illegal things, aww, memories, italia, i love life, music, roma, awesome, tequila, perfect

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