Tracey has terrible sleep times!!

May 27, 2009 03:55

Soo I've started re-reading the Dragonlance series. Takes me back to the days of Lynbrook High. Oh sigh, to be young again.

Actually I retract that statement. I love where I am in life now so much better than high school. Hahahah!

Update from this weekend: Spent all five (including Thursday) days predominately with Tim, to the point where when I stopped at home for a razor and a change of clothes on Sunday, Ramneek came up to me and went "Hey, Tracey...Nice to meet you, my name's Ramneek? Your roommate?" I feel bad, but I hardly get to spend time with him during the week, I have to get it whenever I can, haha!

In any case, it was good, because we had a good talk over the weekend. It's an update to the entry I posted a few weeks ago about the BIG TALK we had concerning OMGFUTURE!! It was brought on in a not-so-good-way (by me, drunk) but it ended up being worth it because what I got out of it was that no, Tim does not necessarily want to end things. I guess what had really made me upset, and what came out while I was intoxicated, was that we'd placed that 'tentative expiration date' on our relationship--as if it was over before it began. Turns out that's not really how Tim saw it--he saw it more like "well, I like you a lot, and I want to stay with you, but there are some issues we'll need to work through first."

Which, you know. Is understandable. It's a relationship, and I don't think any relationship is without its hardships. But knowing that he wants to work through them as opposed to him just thinking they're insurmountable and worthy of breaking up, means a lot to me.

Anyway, so that's all gravy. We also spent a lot of time cuddling, which I absolutely love, and pillow talk-ing. Also did some D&D (haha yes omg I am such a nerd) and LOTS of video games. I learned how to play Soul Caliber 2 on Friday (it's like Mortal Combat, arcade-ish fighting game) and by Sunday I could beat all 3 of the boys living at 2085, one after another, round after round. It made me happy, and earned me a bit of respect as well, I think.

Hahaha oh video games. Either way, I feel like a full-fledged nerd now (: Also, SYTYCD is starting again!!!! I'm so super excited (: I watched last week's episode online over the weekend and it was awesome. I don't like the pre-top20 eps as much as the ones after they choose the top 20 though, not enough actual dancing...but still, very entertaining.

There are 6 people crashing at my house tonight, which means I can't finish my laundry for fear of disturbing their sleep, which means all my shit is lying in the laundry sopping wet, which means that I don't have ANY bedding/sheets/pillowcases/etc. BOO.

Wow. This turned into a much longer entry than I meant it to be. Oh well! (: Finals are coming up. For some reason, despite this being my hardest workload quarter EVER, I'm feeling oddly serene. Even...giddy? Though that might just be the lack of sleep. Oh man, I really need to go to bed.

Anyway, talk to you all later. Much love!

PS: SO EXCITED FOR ITALY!!!!!! All my Europe-y friends, I'll most likely be in Rome from Mid-January to Early-May of next year, let me know if it's cool if I stop by and visit you in your respective countries! I want to make a grand trip of it one week (:

yay, random, finals, boys, school, life, future, sytycd, sleep, tv, tired, thoughts, goals

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