Jan 25, 2008 13:13

Meet Rory! He likes Germany. Also, a wine bottle.

This is Dan & Ramneek. They make me laugh, a lot. They're good peoples.

This is Erin & Hillary. He likes Chinese food, but he gets really red and makes funny faces if the food is spicy. She likes dancing and somehow attracts the strangest guys. (Not Erin, he's just a drunk, not strange).

This is Levi. He doesn't actually live in the sense that he pays rent or anything, but he might as well. Plus he makes silly sad faces.

This stuff shows up at the house a lot too....I dunno how it gets in everytime, maybe it hops the fence?

mmmm pork butt.

EEE WINTERS!! It's so cool there.

This image is too great to commentate on.

Aww bikes.

My friends are flexible and slutty. ...Oh wow, that sounds so bad when you put it that way.

Solano Lake! Oh man hills are a bitch.

pictures, roommates, friends, bike

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