In Which Tracey Tediously Documents Her Life

Jan 23, 2008 00:47

My weekend, I think, should begin with Friday, and its wonderful basketful of fun news.

The day began late, as usual: I had a test in my 9 am French class & I woke up woefully late, causing me to be 20 minutes late to the class. However, I finished before most in my class & guess what? I got a 97.5 on that test, bitches!!! Yeeeahhh! Especially awesome because I've missed 4/10 of the classes's that for starting out the first two weeks of school eh?

Anyway, after that I was tabling for PIRG. Arnold stopped by and asked if I wanted to see the Third Eye plays being put on that night--apparently the theatre and dance dept of UCD has a competition every year or summat. They were EXTREMELY good--very impressive, I'm amazed by the talent we have at our school. I also went to dinner with Christine as well, to catch up with her. We went to Fuji's, which means it was my first time eating Japanese in Davis, and that was quite good as well.

I got home, having decided to opt out of going to Ivan's surprise birthday party, to find my roommates playing beerpong in the backyard. Upon joining them, I discovered that my pong abilities are not much better than they were when I began playing. Nevertheless, we continued, and eventually Mike and Dallas showed up, bringing some friends along with them. The night ended with a trip to jack in the box and some shovels randomly appearing at our front door (we guessed-correctly-Benny and Arnold were to blame for that).

A good chunk of Saturday was a bike ride to Winters/Solano Lake with Dan and Levi: I discovered that I am VERY bad at shifting gears and riding up and down hills. Note to self: work on that. When we got back, we ate at Noodle City-delicious as usual-and then bought Mike his presents. We got a card and two books: one on poker and another on how to have good sex. The second was very graphic, and to make it even more fun, we put in little sticky tabs noting the areas that we thought might be most amusing/helpful for him. (Example: A sticky note next to a stat about the smallest functioning penis in the world said "We love you Mike, even if you're only 5/8ths of an inch!")

Then, of course, was the party itself: to sum it up, beerpong, blackout, shots, raffle, silly string, AWESOME PEOPLE. Got to see Robyn and Emily again in what seems like foreeevverrr, got a group together to set up a dress-up-in-pearls-and-a-little-black-dress-and-sip-wine-while-watching-Hepburn-movies crew (consisting of Margaret, Hillary, Allie, and I), played a looot of beerpong, and got frequently hassled by the boys about, oddly enough, moving in next quarter....despite the fact that I do indeed have somewhere to live already. Anyway, I biked home at about 4:10 am.

The next day was mainly taken up by a lot of time for PIRG: many many many hours of phonebanking, during which Margaret ate at In-N-Out for the very first time.

After phonebanking, I returned home to relax for a while before getting a call from Ian asking me to go watch Cloverfield with him, Christine, Steven, and Jameson. We decided on a time of 10:30 before I headed to the boys' place for some beerpong and dinner, courteously made for us by Mike. Strangely, it was him cooking for us on his birthday instead of the other way around. Watching a movie about Bruce Lee's life distracted me, though, and I unfortunately missed the time to go watch Cloverfield. ): Oh well...on the upside, Arnold and I won a beerpong match against Mike and Benny by a LOT--and I sank quite a few shots as well! It was great. There was more hassling about moving into 1708 Drexel, etc etc.

After a brief tussle with Arnold and Benny (for some reason they INSISTED that I go to sleep in Arnold's bed and Arnold sleep on the couch-I didn't think that was polite and am a very, VERY stubborn drunk...) I fell asleep.

Phonebank phonebank phonebank. Then I went over to the boys' place again to find Arnold putting his shelf back together (it had somehow fallen over during the night). From him I acquired a book called Cannery Row by John Steinbeck, of which I have read 21 pages today and am very excited to finish. Mike, Arnold, and I also watched MANY movies, ranging from An American Tail to To Die For to Platoon. We also caught a bit of the Democratic Debate in S Carolina, which was very interesting. Benny and I mashed oranges to make some orange juice and I helped Arnold learn Chinese before getting a ride from him back home (he was heading to buy chocolate milk) and writing this entry!

Fun times.

Today: Kickoff, YAY!! Made it to French class, had an elected-officials-only LEAD meeting. Fun times (:!!

random, fun, college, yay, housing, friends, bike, busy, exercise, television, birthday, cooking, drunk, movies, tired, books

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