Of driving & cupcakes

Dec 27, 2007 22:03

Soo...I retook the permit test yesterday & drove up and down my street with my dad for half an hour today. It was EXHILARATING. I'm so looking forward to learning how to drive. Dan Christine & Ramneek better be ready to live up to their promise of helping me!!

Hahah I went into the permit test without studying and I was SO SCARED I was going to fail it (which would have been so embarrassing), but luckily I just bareeely passed. You're only allowed to miss 6, and that's exactly how many I missed. Pheww.

Also, my sister & I baked cupcakes today! (: We haven't tasted them yet, but they look awesome! We tried this funky thing where we cut mini snickers bars in half and put them on top of the batter in the cupcake cups (so that the batter would rise around them, and they would basically be suspended inside the cupcake), and then we chopped up the extra bars and scattered them on top of the frosting. They turned out much better than I expected (though one of them is really pathetically flat XD).

Mental note: buy the book Shogun: highly recc'd by Mike, & I think I've heard v. good stuff about it before, too.

home, yay, driving, interesting things, baking, fun, break, books

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