(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 13:33

So I officially know how to snowboard, kind of, and by God, I don't think I've ever been this sore in my entire life. There are bruises all over my hips and knees, and the muscles in my legs, arms, and back are dying. Let's just say that I have a LOT of respect for snowboarders now. I literally fell down every time I stood up--not immediately, but...well, I still have issues with stopping myself in a way other than falling onto the ground.

But it was SO fun...I would definitely go back & get bruised up all over again. I really, really, really want to learn how to snowboard decently now. The next time I go snowboarding, though, I think I will take another class, because I mean...stopping is kind of a big deal, and it's not a good thing that I have NO IDEA how to do it correctly. Hahaha...but yup.

Also, I think I'm getting a DIGITAL CAMERA soon!! We'll see. Does anyone know anything about which cameras are good and which are bad, OR a site (lj comm?) that gives help on that issue? I'm looking for a cute camera that takes crisp photos...we stopped by Best Buy today and these are the two I'm considering right now: 1 2...thoughts? I like 1 better, but my dad thinks 2 is a smarter choice. Although, seeing Amazon's price, that might change...

break, snowboarding, snow, ouch

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