Feb 23, 2007 18:30
Mr. Arnholt's stalking me...
no not really...I just happened to see him clearing ice off his driveway when I was taking the dog for a walk...
and immediately afterward at Blockbuster...
which is kinda weird, cuz when I saw him at his house we talked about movies...
and he told me that he had just seen The Departed last night...
so I knew, when there were no copies of The Departed left, and then I saw him...to go to the front desk and ask if any were just returned....
and sure enough, a copy just was...
man, was Sentry swamped...I completely forgot that there's supposed to be this "big storm" coming this weekend... (I guess I'm skeptical, cuz it seems like whenever they predict a whopper we get two flakes...) I walked past a person with a cart that was overflowing with stuff like mac and cheese and rice a roni...all boxed stuff...I was thinking "I just wanted ice cream, soda, and mozzeralla sticks..."
Sam made me skip Music Theory...
bad Sam...
thank you...
So Meredith lived...
damn it...