So, I've not posted about it, but there was an incident with CAB at SGA and now I'm going to have to meet with them about it and all you need to know is I will be getting an apology and can move on. And volunteer for semiformal w/o feeling depreciated.
Also, spring internship is highly probable. The museum in NY is going through renovations amongst other things and needs someone with grad level experience. *fails due to to undergrad-ness*
We're having semi-formal and Ria (
vin_faucon) said she's probably coming 80s style! I found a perfect 90s dress, so since the theme is 80s/90s, we'll compliment each other :-)
My dress is tight, slinky, long-slit (?? not sure how to put it), gradated acid pink with swirly fake rhinestones all over it. Yeah--it's the 90s. I have a cosmogirl floral hair thingy from '95 to wear with it, but I'm not sure what to do with my hair. I want that early 90s look like Kelly ripa has in
this shot. So I guess I'll be going sort of...ohmigod. Himegyaru hair. Well, I mean, I can do it (I've got big, poofy, 70s hair), but..we'll see. I still need shoes for it. Maybe raid the thrift store for the flower heels (these pink and blue high heels with fabric flowers and bows on them I saw)?
It'll be fun, I love the theme and my dress. :D
Well, I want to try and get some personal time tonight, so adieu.
EDIT: If I really want to go 90s, I may use my fake tanner. Oh, this 'll be good. *plots some more*