Feb 02, 2008 21:28
Sorry its been awhile but between work and homelife I've been way too busy to post in here. Anyway, here goes...
Got our refund back. Bought a new video card and RAM for the computer, a Vista-compatible All-In-One print/scan/faxer(my old one wasn't), and my personal favorite, a JVC GZ-MG130U HD camcorder. NOW, with two of my three friends living in the area again I can finally film my Blair Witch-inspired, Estekene(that's a shapeshifting medicine man and pronounced sta-ghin-ee for those not in the know). So I've got my old camcorder for the in-movie, character "made" footage and the new one for the crisp movie-movie footage.....heh, just decided to call one of said friends who said that the one that's not here in Oklahoma will be visiting for a month in March! WOOT! Looks like that will be done sooner than I'd hoped. lol
All in all, I'm happy with my life. I have a wife and family I love, I don't have any financial troubles and I have my past times(such as I have time for)to keep me interested and busy during downtime.
Peace, love and chicken grease!