A rant on modern movie trends and society in general

Sep 16, 2007 06:55

I've been lurking and posting a lot at the boards over at IMDb lately and I just thought I'd put in my two cents on the whole thing.


Seriously, when did Hollywood decide to stop being particularly creative? Its bad enough that they did but its even worse when these remakes and sequels are actually making money and are ten times worse than the originals. I wouldn't mind it so much if they remade a so-so movie(after all they have no where to go but up)but its just wrong when they take something which is classic and good and has a place in the history of cinema. After all there is a reason why directors like Hitchcock and Carpenter and Kubrick(to name but a few) are considered great. Because they created something to inspire and was meant to be more than just a few hours of mindless distraction and entertainment. If this trend keeps up you'll be seeing remakes of things like "Bladerunner", "The Godfather", and "A Clockwork Orange" in the immediate future. Hire the trendiest directors, cast the most popular actors and use a computer to make things look flashy and VOILA! you've been "creative".

This is just a smaller symptom of a larger problem though. AND that problem is that most people have no integrity(technology just makes it easier to not have). They don't want to take pride in their work and sweat to make it happen(if need be);they expect to put forth as little effort as possible and get paid big, big money for their drivel. They don't want to think for or take care of themselves; its chic to blame something or someone else when they do something wrong. I'm fat...its McDonalds fault. My children aren't well-adjusted...its computer games, movies, schools, etc.'s fault. I got cancer from smoking...its the tobacco companies fault. I could go on and on. My god! If everyone started taking responsibility for the choices they make you'd find the world getting better in no time at all.

BAH! It makes me sick just thinking about it.
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