Sad Sad Post

Dec 01, 2009 18:14

So we had a good visit with my parents over Thanksgiving week. It was good to see them, and they will be up in about 3 weeks for Christmas. My mom is not doing well with the Parkinson's and my dad is mostly an unhelpful ASS when it comes to taking care of her. She cooked, cleaned, sowed, ironed, etc for him for over 39 years, you think he could step up for the next 10 or so that my mom has left (maybe less than that) and try to make her life a little easier.

The girls love their grandman and popop from Florida, and that is what matters that they have time with Grandma before she passes. I hope and pray that my mom has a long time ahead of her, but she seems to get much worse every visit and the bad days seem to out number the good ones.

My great Uncle is 93 and for all intents and purposes just sits and sleeps in a mobile wheel/chair bed all day. He also has parkinson's. Sometimes I think that modern medicine is too good and keeps people alive way longer than they need to be. We tried to talk to him, he said hello and grunted a bit and then mumbled some stuff. We took some pictures with him, and then I cried a bit, not just about him, but about my mom because I can just see her ending up like that in the future. My dad was uncouth enough to mention that "when Uncle Bob passes, we can get the wheel chair so mom can use it." Thanks DAD, you ASS, just what I needed to hear.

I love my dad, and when he is here he helps alot and plays with the girls, but he sure treat my mom like crap, and if he doesn't like something, he just goes off and does his own thing without thinking of others. It REALLY makes me so mad. I have talked to him time and time again about it, he shapes up for a few days, a week, and then goes back to being short and impatient with mom and the help she needs with her disease.

On a positive note I got to see two of my best and oldest friends. I have known these guys for 30 years. Been through a lot together. Things that involved the police, high speed chases, and a host of other things I had better not mention. They are both respectable members of society now with families and beautiful children. WOOT!

Check out facebook for more fluff posts, but here is where I put my heart and soul out.
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