Jun 16, 2005 06:45
LOL...... week is goin by fast..........we have closed out unit for the summer.........except for a 4 day summer camp business next week . So this finally gives me time to clean up all the crap in the system here and update my programs to better utilize my inventory programs etc . I get to go to the other units on campus and use my expertise to streamline their systems also . Wow........ doing other peoples work for them.........how exciting is that........ugh !!! These units are in utter disarray and operate far below the norms of the company . It will be a challenge but we will see how it goes .
As for life outta work.......all is great . I am actually bowling this summer........getting my new ball ina week or so . Woo-Hoo !1 Not that there is anything wrong with my old ball.......or even the one before that for that matter........its just the thing bowlers do :) I started off sucking my first game........went to see the bartender Sandy for my perk me up shot of Cuervo..........and she proceeded to say "On Me" and filled that damn glass to the very rim . Oh well...........you know me...... gulp gulp........and somehow miraculously my scores perked right up. I got back to my average the first game and then bowled a 188-198 . Go Sandy .
Well its back to work.........weather has been beautiful..........Marty and Gerry sold the house........good for them.......they made out well.....will finally not have to see each other every day which is sure a grind for them I am sure. I am gonna continue being Gerry's roommate.....we get along so well....its looking like we will be in North Rogers park still just down the road starting in August . Have a great day all and WOOFS