angry atheist homo

Jul 19, 2010 17:53

  Of Course I should start with a disclaimer: to all of the lovely religious folks who do not intermix the old and new testaments to your own socio-political ends, please understand that this post is not all about you.

I am a tad angry lately. I have been vehemently yelled at for saying "Jesus Christ" in my place of employment. I was told in no uncertain terms that i should "NOT INSULT JESUS"!  I come across this from time to time elsewhere from christians who feel that my using jesus christ as a meaningless phrase of frustration or as an exhortation at a frustrating situation is somehow an insult to them, their god, their religious choices, yadda yadda fucking yadda.

Apparently I am supposed to show respect for their choices in religious matters to the point of changing my speech patterns as not to offend. I find this hard to do as I have no respect for the religious. To me religion is a means of controlling the masses with dogmatic, conservative rhetoric.

As I have often said and continue to reiterate in my work place, "You have freedom of religion. You do NOT have the unalienable right to never hear anyone say anything that you find offensive".

Onto broader matters that co-mingle with religion as a conservative control mechanism in modern society.  I have been told that gay relationships are not valid and should not be endorsed by the state, that children are unsafe around homosexuals, that a gay "lifestyle" is somehow abhorrent to god and that AIDS is god's punishment for homosexuality. I would like to address these issues.

I have to agree with James Earl Carter in that Gay Civil Unions MUST be backed by the state as a basic civil right. Civil union and a marriage license are civil matters. Gay MARRIAGE as in Holy Matrimony is a matter for the church, the government can NOT involve itself here lest it overstep the bounds of separation of church and state. Ok....simple concept, CONVERSELY no religious body shall be allowed to donate to affect legislation concerning CIVIL UNION. YOU DO NOT PAY TAXES, YOU  STAY OUT OF POLITICS. Should a religious organization choose to back a political movement it should then be allowed to also PAY TAXES like any other corporate entity.

Children unsafe around homos? I have to say here, I have been a babysitter, I have cared for my brother's children, sex was never an issue, because I do not see children sexually. if however you live in fear that your children are being prayed upon sexually, If you see your children as sexual beings or sexual victims, PERHAPS YOU SHOULD SEEK HELP YOU SICK FUCK! And lastly of course we can look up the number of sexual abuse cases perpetrated by the CHURCH, followed by STRAIGHT MEN and lastly by homosexuals and see where the dangers lie.

Lastly, am I an aberration before god? well it might help if i believed in your ridiculous god. I can say however that I am who I was born and raised to be and have not only made peace with myself, I have lead a very happy, fulfilling and entertaining adult life. No thanks of course to having been told that i was sinful and would burn in hell by religious believers throughout my childhood.

AIDS as punishment. Here I draw the line, I refuse to even address such a hideous claim. I survived the AIDS Crisis, I have no idea how or why.  I buried friends, acquaintances, lovers, much of a community. On Key West we were like a closed experiment and we were ravaged. That you'd try to use that against me to make me embrace your christian god? Madness,

So i guess what i really mean to say here is this, KEEP YOUR JUDEO-CHRISTIAN FUCKING GOD TO YOURSELF!

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