Everybody's doin' it.
And doin' it. So we're doin' it too.
Got mad skillz? Send in your LOLbear photo to
lolbear@bearsgonewild.com, and if it gets a laugh, we'll post it. If you need a photo to start with,
just cruise our photo galleries and grab something you like. You can check out the latest additions at
LOLbear.com. Many thanks to my lovely ladybear parade model,
sinnabor, who's beauty is matched only by his sense of humor.
At the end of everymonth (for as long as this is still funny...), we'll send a
Bubba Loves It! t-shirt of your choosing to whoever who gets the most (and highest) ratings on his/her pix.
(reposted from
http://bearsgonewild.com/blog because i'm findin' it hard to have time for two blogs when just this one was hard to post to before... ;o()
If'n you want the bearsgonewild.com blog (which is different from my LJ blog) to show up in your LJ friends page, just add
bearsgonewildfd to your friends list. I'll probably double post everyonce once in a while, but mostly it's just one or the other. Thanks again
bikerbearmark for setting up that feed for me!