March Question Month

Mar 08, 2007 13:20

Question the First: What song makes you go completely out of your mind when you hear it (good or bad or both).

Hmmm...let's see...

Good way: "The Gutteratti" by The Fratellis or any old school salsa records. For me, they both have the same effect which is this urge to get on my feet and dance, stomp and/or shake ma booty.

Bad way: "Smack that" by Akon. There's just something about that song that makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I don't know why. Then again, Celine Dion and most rap has that effect.

Did you know March was question month? Drop a line HERE. Go on, don't be shy, but I reserve the right to fling poo at you.

march question month

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