So this morning I was uploading photos from yesterday's trip to
Koln in Germany. I was using the iPhoto on our hosts Macintosh. It appeared to upload the photos, so I turned off the sync and then went to my flickr site. I found all of my recent photos erased from flickr (including ones I had posted days before). Looking further, I found that my whole flickr photostream was in disarray - photos were out of order, photo sets has been disbanded, comments and settings were deleted, etc. I'm pretty ticked off and have spent much of the morning trying to re-arrange everything.
The only consolation I have is that, when I looked into it, there's been multiple reports of the iPhoto sync messing up photo sites in the same way. At least it didn't erase any of my pre-trip pictures.
I think in the future i'll avoid iPhoto altogether. Or at any rate, not use the sync function. Has anyone else here had the same problem?