easter, spring, etc.

Apr 01, 2010 13:27

i) It's so quiet here today. Tomorrow is a holiday here, and many people seem to have mysteriously found reasons to leave early. (As an aside, why is Good Friday a major national holiday in Godless, secular Canada, while in a certain Jesusland nation to the south it isn't?)

ii) One thing I will miss about living where I do now is how nice it can be to walk to work, on a warm spring morning like it was today. The wild birds were very active and vocal this morning, and I spotted at least 5 Cardinals this morning, though no Bishops were around.

iii) We're off to Peterborough tomorrow (with a stop in Toronto to see cubmike74 and partner around noon) to spend the Easter weekend. We're going to tell my parents about the new house, and also celebrate Easter Saturday with a long walk (as is my tradition).

iv) Usually on April 1st we get one last snowstorm (as a kid I used to refer to it as God's April fools joke), but this year it's abnormally warm, almost like summer.

april, home, good friday, birds

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