
Dec 03, 2007 22:53

It's been snowing all day here, one of those days where schools are closed and cars skid sideways all over the streets, and I feel thankful that I walk to work. It's nice though, and with the Xmas music all over and my shopping nearly done, it really does feel like that time of year.

I went shopping tonight at the Real Canadian Superstore. I had never been to one until, ironically, bankercub introduced me to it, and now I'm addicted. I've done half my Christmas shopping there and I can't get out of the place without buying some new gadget or stocking up on something because the price is low.

It's like a Super Walmart except Canadian owned and operated, with lots of room for snowmobile and sled parking, and great prices on juniper berries, walrus tusks, and pemican. Ok I made that part up, but it's nice to see a true alternative to the damn Walmarts that are popping up all over, with better quality stuff and groceries.

Looking out the window tonight into the blackness I noticed again how lovely and warm the tiny points of colored lights on trees and houses look. There's a place up the way from me that decorates their shrubs with hundreds of yellow, orange and white lights. This may sound odd but the effect looks like gold, silver and bronze sparkles, and is especially striking when there's a layer of snow on top of them. It's warm, inviting, tasteful, inviting, cheerful and, well Christmas-y.

Well, goodnight.

lights, shopping, snow, christmas

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