(no subject)

Apr 30, 2007 13:30

Exams at the University ended this past friday, marking the end of another term. I was noticing this morning how empty the campus and student ghetto look. About 90% of them have gone home or graduated and moved on.

It struck me this morning that it has been 10 years since I finished my degree.

How have I spent that past 10 years?

7 years and 6 months employed full-time (most of which has been my current job)
4 months employed part time
1.5 years in a post-degree program and working part time
About 8 months unemployed and not studying (interspersed with some casual work)

Back then I had vague plans for having a PhD by now and a career in academics. However the research funding situation in Ontario was so bad at that time that it was difficult to get into graduate school. In fact any kind of work was difficult to find, a problem compounded by two successive provincial governments that were completely inept with economic issues. I've been fortunate to get something that approximates where I want to be, but I suspect many of my fellow graduates probably didn't get much return-on-investment for their education.

But anyways, 10 years on, I'm not doing too badly.

work, university, plans

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