8th voodoo curse

Dec 17, 2011 12:23

[LeChuck watched the news with great interest this morning. So that's what that dream was trying to pull, eh? Good thing he didn't fall for it, and there were plenty of other suckers who did so he could have his heat back on. He had a good laugh listening to the newly introduced doppelgangers on the phone, pleading with their friends to believe that they were real and they hadn't been spirited away in the night. Did they really think they were fooling anybody? They certainly weren't fooling LeChuck! After sitting by and listening in on the various reactions, he picks up the receiver and decides to poke the hornet's nest a little.]

[There's the sound of loud yawning on the phone before LeChuck actually speaks.]

I had the most wonderful dream last night! My archenemy was soundly defeated, I was to be wed to the love of my life, and I was the new ruler of the Tri-Island area! Ah, such a pity it was all just a dream, yes? Why, if I were to make a Christmas wish, perhaps I would wish for it to come true!

Did anyone else happen to catch the news this morning? How sad, and yet, how noble! Can you imagine never existing ever again? Never again seeing your loved ones? Very chilling! I consider myself a brave man, but I don't think even I could have taken such a plunge.

And that is why I must be a voice of dissent and say that these replacements that Mayfield has provided us are simply inappropriate! I'm sure it was meant to be a kind gesture, but just listen to them! Claiming that they are the originals and this is all a trick! Our brave and selfless friends deserve to be honored, not impersonated in such a grossly inaccurate manner. Surely there are others that agree?

playing dumb, trollface dot jpeg

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