7th voodoo curse

Nov 26, 2011 16:12




What a wonderful thing to wake up to! Nothing but destruction as far as the eye can see! A true hell on earth! It was as if all of LeChuck's dreams were coming true. In fact, this had put him in such a good mood that he didn't even mind that his nice pirate clothes had gone missing. Ah, he so did love the smell of brimstone in the morning!]

[A: You might find LeChuck today sitting on top of a pile of rubble that may have been a house once, staring off in the distance. Another Mayfieldian quietly contemplating his own mortality in the face of the apocalypse? Nah, he's admiring the magnificent view. But you can go ahead and think it's first one if you want.]

[B: You can also find LeChuck wandering through what's left of Mayfield, poking through the ruins for... supplies? Weapons? Who knows. When he sees you, he'll offer a neighborly wave and a smile.]

Quite a pickle we've gotten ourselves into, isn't it? You know, I've heard tales of pirate crews who, after being lost at sea for weeks and running out of food, were forced to kill their weakest members and eat them! But I'm sure it won't come to that here, right? We just need to stay positive! [hearty laugh]

world status: on fire, action post, beard status: not on fire, just want to see the world burn

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