3rd voodoo curse

May 29, 2011 13:53

[A: Locked to mr_dynames

Neil Dylandy? You are a dead man. Nothing personal of course, you just happen to be standing in the way of what LeChuck wants, and we can't have that, can we?

No powers, no weapons, no problem. LeChuck could make do with his bare hands if he had to, and if he had been hearing this correctly, it seemed that no one had much of an advantage right now. The hard part would be finding this person, but how many hiding places could such a paltry halmet like this even have? He chuckled darkly as he headed out into the streets. He'd be seeing Elaine soon enough!]

[B: Locked to poisonivyforyou

A gentleman would have reservations about harming a lady. LeChuck was many things, but unfortunately for one miss Ivy, a gentleman was not one of them. He wasn't sure how much closer to getting what he wanted this would put him, but he certainly wasn't about to turn down a free pass to murder someone else, even if they were a lovely lady!]

((OOC: this is backdated to before LeChuck dies obviously. :U))

population control is pretty great, action post

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