2nd voodoo curse

May 27, 2011 09:18


He read the letter. Over and over again, to make sure he was getting this right. And each time, his grin just got bigger. From what he could gather, it went a little like this:

1. Kill this guy
2. ????

He still wasn't fond of being trapped in a landlocked podunk with none of his powers, but if Elaine were by his side? He could get used to this! Especially if this "population reduction" stuff was a regular thing. Oh, this was going to be fun. But first, there was some business to take care of. He clears his throat and picked up the phone.]

Erm, is this thing on? [tap, tap, tap.] If anyone can hear me... does this sort of thing happen often? It seems awfully barbaric! [and wonderful] Nobody seems particularly happy about it... [more for him, he supposes!] but if it is our civic duty to carry out, I suppose there's nothing that can be done! This is quite the rock and hard place!

I simply cannot bear the thought of anyone getting into trouble if they can't bring themselves to do this, though! Nasty, nasty business, I agree! But, I have lived a hard life and I can handle making difficult choices, so if you find this particularly abhorrent, please come talk to me! I will do my best to help! You have my word as a captain.

[sits back, steeples fingers.]

oh my sweet elaine~, my deadly skill is murdering people, playing dumb

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