I wonder if this is how it feels.

Mar 21, 2008 16:03

Lately I haven't been able to go anywhere without someone stopping me to ask me if they have met me before, or to be told I look like someone they know, or a friend of a friend. I'm being told by more and more people how interesting/fascinating I am. More and more people are opening up to me, even when I've just met them.

My social circle has expanded exponentially in the last couple of months. My birthday party on Saturday will be a blend of thugs, fags, and university kids from all kinds of different backgrounds. Despite my lack of education, horrendous recall, limited social experience, and the fact that I've never been on an airplane often puts me in spots where I have to defend myself and my credibility. Still, as an observer from behind my own eyes, I can see peoples ideals and perspective changing right before me.

I feel almost as if nothing is stopping me from doing whatever I want at work.

"Hey, Kyle, what are you doing?"
"Oh, it was really busy so I went to get a coffee."
Laughter insues, I saunter over to my next flower.

My coaching sessions are often twice as long as anybody elses, but work gets talked about half as much. I'm constantly being put on guilt trips for choosing desks that aren't near specific people. My friend Zac has even admitted to thinking "What Would Kyle Do?" in certain situations at work.

Last night I was introduced to Eddie Izzard (you should YouTube him) because, through the eyes of this particular person, he's just a British version of me. I think he's fucking hilarious. What's more interesting, is that I've said out loud on a few occassions, that I'm interested in wearing make-up.

I'm a fag, seriously.

For whatever the resaon, for wherever the stars were when I was born and for whichever corners I didn't turn down, and for the people who have unknowingly contributed to the person I am today, I feel compelled to entertain people - to make people happy. I feel like maybe the same thing that is driving the Tom Hanks and Will Smiths of this world is also driving me.

Earlier this week I sent a headshot and a short email to Jigsaw Casting Agency here in Toronto. I got a reply on Wednesday.

"Hi Kyle,

If you would like to be added to our real people roster, you need to swing by Jigsaw Casting to get a quick photo taken and fill out an info sheet. I am here Monday to Friday 9-5, please call just before heading down to make sure I have the time to meet with you.

See our website (www.jigsawcasting.com) for address and directions.

While here I can give you advice on acquiring an agent for acting.


The girl who suggested I apply didn't even get a response, and she's all over the scene. Conveniently enough, last night I met a guy who is on their "roster" and has been doing commercials etc. through them.

I'm going to be famous. Sure it sounds egotistical, but nobody ever mentions ego when someone is telling people they feel like they were born to make music.
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