I've gotten the header beam and stub studs in place for the new door opening, but I was thwarted in my desire to order the door itself, since the door factory closes at 11AM on Saturdays. Perhaps they will be open this afternoon. Wiring, by the way, is annoying. Don't let anyone tell you different. I still need to go to the hardware/lumber store to get some lath to bring the surface of the frame level with the rest of the wall structure, and a 1x6 to act as a sole plate. Probably some 1" nails to attach the lath strips, too.
With that out of the way, here are some pictures of my cats -
First, Scylla likes to bury her nose in things when she sleeps. In this case, my hand.
Next, Scylla and Gus peacefully coexisting on the couch. I think they're finally starting to really get along.
Finally, that same thing, from a slightly different angle:
That's all for now. Updates as the situation warrants. Though probably not as frequently, since LJ is still blocked at work.