General stuff

Mar 02, 2008 16:37

Hi Folks, long time no post.
here we go....
Got the prize scrolls done for Northern Lights. And I'm now taking a break from scribal for a week. After that break, I'm doing a Terpsichore, which should be fun.

During the break, I'm working on a blackwork smock. I'm almost done with the collar, and getting started on the cuffs. After that, it's on to the embroidered neck opening, and then assembly. Woot! (I'm getting a new linen smock, wooo hooo!)

After the Terpsichore is done. it's time to start on a prototype doublet, prepping for the blackwork white silk doublet that matches this guy (It's the first blackwork doublet I've seen on a man, and I want it.)I won't duplicate his jerkin, (I think it's leather) but I will be making a black jerkin, probably Janet Arnold's strapwork embroidered one.And that's about it for the updates here.
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